Wednesday, November 27, 2019

“That All Things Are Directed to One End, Which is God” by St. Thomas Aquinas Essay Example

â€Å"That All Things Are Directed to One End, Which is God† by St. Thomas Aquinas Essay Humans have been searching for the explanation of life and the existence of a higher being or creator since acquiring the capacity for rational thinking. Many theories were forwarded including the teleological or design argument which proposes the existence of God through recognition of the direction and function in nature. The term teleological is from a Greek word telos which means end or purpose. Teleology, therefore, is the assumption of the presence of a purpose or direction in the dynamics of nature. Furthermore, it asserts that nature or universe is a very complex design to occur out of nothing. This means that this design must have a designer who is God. Proponents of this argument include Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine of Hippo, Saint Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, George Berkeley, William James, David Hume, William Paley, John Barrow, Frank Tipler, John Polkinghorne George Wald and John Allen Paulos. But the most comprehensive early version of the teleological argument is credited to St. Thomas Aquinas in his Fifth Way including his Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa Theologica (Ferre).Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274) was an Italian Catholic priest, belonging to the Order of Preachers. He was a philosopher and theologian, with a designation of Doctor Angelicus and Doctor Universalis. He was the founder of the Thomistic school and the leading proponent of natural theology. He is recognized by most Catholics as the Church greatest theologian and model teacher for priesthood by the Roman Catholic Church (Craig).St. Aquinas’ works are characterized by the following elements: (a) an amalgamation of the thoughts of Old and New Testaments, (b) ideas of levels of knowledge and nature, (c) the claim that humans learn to act rationally from nature, (d) separation of the worlds of God and man and (e)transition from paganism, Old Law, New Law and to Christianity (Himma).St. Aquinas wrote Summa Contra Gentiles between 1258 and 1264. It is divided in to two sections. The first section consists of books I to III which cover human truths. The second section consists of book IV which discusses divine truths. Its main points include the dual property of truth which may be partly achieved through reason and partly by other ways, the different levels of intellects, the utilization of pure reason which leads to an uninformed concoction of deception and truth, and the argument that man cannot attain all truth by reason alone as a humbling reminder for mankind (Ferre).A chapter of Summa Contra Gentiles is entitled â€Å"That All Things Are Directed to One End, Which is God† which tackles the meaning of life and death. The following is an analysis of the said chapter through understanding of some of its salient points (Aquinas 32-56).On the opening parts, the Summa Contra Gentiles asserts its main point: that all things originate and leads back to God or the Creator. The cause and the end of everything is what God stands for. Aside from being the cause and the end, God is also referred to as the common good. Accordingly, all things exist for the purpose of attaining semblance to God. God is the Alpha and Omega and this summarizes the thought that He is the end of all things.Next, the summa indicates that knowledge of God is the highest level of intellectual substance. In order to acquire likeness with God, there must be proper operation of the intellectual process of man by understanding God. To achieve this, man must operate in his perfect condition which translates to perfection as embodied by God. Furthermore, the happiness of intellectual substances arises from the understanding of an intelligible object which is God. It suggests that human intellect yearns, loves, and get pleasure from the knowledge of divine things even though it can comprehend a little part of such things as compared to its knowledge of lower things around it.Then, St. Aquinas wrote that the last end of man and of any intelligent being is happiness or beatitude which, in turn, is the knowledge of God. He asks if happiness constitutes an act of the will and came up with the following explanation. According to St. Aquinas, appetite and intellect are separate and appetite is not proper for an intellectual being. All other beings have appetite including man but not all has intelligence. Since the will is a form of appetite and happiness and beatitude is an end of intellectual substance and not of appetite, then the will is not proper for an intellectual substance. In addition, if will is an act of desire or delight then the will cannot be considered the last end or happiness. In summary, the intellect is absolutely higher than the will and the will is only higher than intellect in some restricted sense.The argument that human happiness does not come from carnal pleasures followed. Here, carnal pleasures are referred to as the pleasures of the table and of sex. These pleasures are deemed to be present in nature only f or the sake of operation. Operation refers to the necessary functions of a human being. Pleasures of the table are to be found to facilitate the act of eating and drinking which entails nourishment of the body through food and water. On the other hand, pleasures of sex are in place for reproduction or begetting of children. Pleasure in itself is not the last end but the preservation of the body and the procreation of mankind.   Therefore, happiness cannot be attributed to these pleasures.Another way to look at it, according to the argument, is that through the comparison of brute and man. It is known that pleasures of taking in food and pleasures of sex can be found both in beast and man. While man can be described as happy in certain instances, this description is neither appropriate nor applicable to beast in any instance in its life. If pleasures are to be found in man and beast but not happiness, then this goes on to say that happiness does not arise from carnal pleasures.Furt hermore, if carnal pleasures are considered the root of happiness then more usage of table and sex pleasure activities should result to more good. This is not the case, according to St. Aquinas, instead more experience of carnal pleasures or abuse of such pleasures result to harm on the body and inhibition of other pleasures. Unlike intelligence which can be used more to a good end without the risk of abuse, carnal pleasures are attained only for operation of nutrition and reproduction which may not be performed in excess in recognition of related harm or pain.Next, the summa evaluates whether happiness originates from honors. Honor is coveted by men to be bestowed from the wise or the great. In order to achieve this, according to St. Aquinas, men strive for certain things for which they will receive honor. It is only for such specific attributes that man may receive honor from other men. This means that receipt of honor do not necessitate that a man is honorable as a whole. In this case, happiness cannot be attributed to honor.In addition, happiness is achieved through virtue which is inherently a product of virtuous deeds that are voluntary. To do good deeds for honor that is paid by other men cannot be considered voluntary and therefore not virtuous and for this reason honor cannot be considered as the component of happiness.Furthermore, since men are honored for specific achievements, then other traits are shadowed and these traits may be not honorable. If other attributes of a man can be overlooked due to placement of honor, wicked and sinful attributes can also be overlooked leading to proclamation of wicked and sinful men as honorable. Good is never compatible with evil, therefore happiness cannot consist of honor.Whereas honor cannot be considered as a source of happiness, St. Aquinas then looked at glory and came up with the same realization. Glory is defined as the general acknowledgment and praise of a good name or simply being famous or admired. Gl ory is achieved from being honored by people who recognize the person. If glory is desired for the sake of honor which in the previous paragraphs not considered a source of happiness – then the same or lower regard should be given to glory. Glory consists mainly of praise which is given to men who had not yet reached their last end. But glory is not stable since people’s opinion and praise are not constant. This makes glory unstable while good must be stable as well as happiness. Therefore, glory does not constitute happiness.Happiness does not come from wealth, according to St. Aquinas. The main advantage of wealth is its use for acquiring material goods and convenience when spent. The purpose of wealth is for the consumption of man. Fortune, which is a form of wealth, is deemed unreasonable. Evil persons can also have wealth. For the said reasons above, wealth therefore cannot constitute happiness.Worldly power does not equate to good or evil but evil persons can wi eld worldly power just as good persons can. Power is unstable since it depends on its constituents which are the people. Since worldly power is imperfect and can be used for the detriment of other people, it cannot be considered as a root of happiness.Beauty, strength and health are known as bodily goods. These goods of the body are naturally unstable and not subject to the will. These goods are also present in beasts but only men can be considered to experience happiness. Moreover, soul is better than body while intellect is higher than sense. Due to these assumptions, it can be said that bodily goods do not constitute happiness.According to St. Aquinas, happiness does not come from acts of the moral virtues. Moral actions are expressions of passions of which is not benefiting of God. Since the highest end of man is to become like God, having passions through moral actions is straying far from that objective. This behavior has some extent parallel with animals. Since animals do not achieve happiness through it, then this means that moral virtues do not result to happiness.Act of prudence is not a source of ultimate happiness. St. Aquinas argues that act of prudence is not about intellect or reason. In addition, it is not considered of special value but just of contingent practical concerns. Furthermore, prudence is required and observed only by other people and does not concern the knowledge and imitation of God. Some animals exhibit prudence. Given these three reasons, prudence does not constitute happiness.Happiness does not originate from the practice of art, according to the text. Practice of art, according to St. Aquinas is practical where there is no ultimate or last end. The end product of the practice of art is art itself which is just for man’s use and no other meaningful end thus confirming that it cannot be what constitutes happiness.Finally, St. Aquinas sums up the above points and adds that contemplating about the truth does not constitute happiness. This is so because the act of contemplation of truth leads to nothing but to itself and nowhere else beyond man’s happiness. Happiness entails knowledge and imitation of God. All occupations of man are simply about contemplating the truth and contemplation of sciences is just the first steps and not the end of human inquiry. Since happiness consist of the knowledge of the highest intelligible substances, then it is only warranted that contemplation of God is what constitutes happiness.Analysis of the above points leads to the following observations. First, St. Thomas Aquinas prepared the background of his arguments by classifying the different levels of what is found in nature or the universe. In the first tier, are the inanimate objects that obviously do not possess intelligence and thus a last end. The next level is the animals or creatures possessing some levels of mental facility but do not exhibit purpose or any capacity of happiness. The third level is the d omain of man. Man possesses the following characteristics: intelligible substance and capacity for happiness. The fourth and highest tier is for the divine things or God. The divine being has knowledge of all the things that compose the lower tiers.After preparing this background for his argument, St. Aquinas explained the importance of intelligence and what it entails in the understanding and imitation of God. He asserts that man can achieve knowledge of all the objects in level of man and below him but can only try to understand divine things but not all about them. Through understanding of God can man achieve a level of likeness with Him. Moreover, St. Aquinas explained what happiness or beatitude means and its place in reaching man’s last end.Next, St. Aquinas listed all the possible sources of happiness for man. These are act of the will, carnal pleasures, honors, glory, wealth, worldly power, goods of the body, acts of the moral virtues, act of prudence, and practice of art. Neither one of these material and abstract elements offer happiness as an end to man. This conclusion was arrived at by determining if each has merit in attaining happiness as compared to animals, if stable, and if it is absolutely good and not compatible with evil. Ultimately, St. Aquinas claimed that none of the above objects or achievements can result to happiness which is close to happiness associated with knowledge of divine things. Therefore, only contemplation of God constitutes definitive happiness of man.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Finding Old ACT Test Scores

Finding Old ACT Test Scores Lets say you graduated from high school, had a great job lined up, and jumped right into the workforce. After a few years without raises, though, a bachelors  degree began to sound  good. As part of the college admissions process, youll probably need your old  ACT  scores. Here are the steps to retrieving your old ACT scores. Remember Which College Admissions Test You Took If it’s been a while since you took your college admissions exam, you may not recall whether you took the  ACT or SAT  in high school. Here’s a hint: Your composite  ACT score  will be a two-digit number between 1 and 36. Your SAT score will be a three- or four-digit score. Remember that the ACT test has changed quite a bit in over the years, so the questions have changed and the score you received would be scaled a bit differently now. If you took the ACT, keep reading. If it was the  SAT,  you will need to contact the College Board to obtain your old scores. Request Your Scores There are three ways you can request your ACT scores. Online:  If you have your ACT online account information handy, you can log in to access your scores. Your account will include a list of all the times you took the ACT and youll be able to select which old scores youd like to see or have sent to a college or university. You can find old ACT test scores from October 1966 until the present. If you don’t know your password or other online account details, you can email the ACT help desk, use the online chat feature, or call 319-337-1270 for assistance.  By phone:  Order scores by  phone by calling 319-337-1270. Note that only priority reports (which require an additional fee) may be ordered by phone. Phone orders also include an additional $15.00 fee per report.By mail:  Download the request form and send it to ACT Student Services: Score Reports,  P.O. Box 451,  Iowa City, IA 52243-0451. Youll need to include your personal information at the time of testing, including street address, and will also choose recipient s to receive your ACT scores. Pay the Fee Regular report:  The regular ACT  score report fee for a test date after September 1, 2016, is $13 per test date per report. For ACT scores for testing prior to September 1, 2016, the price is $38 per test date per report. A regular report will be delivered in about two weeks. Check the ACT website or call to confirm the current fees.Priority report:   A priority report will be delivered in three to four days. The price is $16.50 per test date per report for tests after September 1, 2016, and $41.50 per test date per report for tests taken before September 1, 2016.   Additional Tips for Finding Your Old ACT Scores Gather as much information as you can before you contact ACT for your scores. If youre completing the form and mailing your request, be sure to type or write legibly. If ACT can’t read your request, it will be delayed.   Remember that since your scores are older, the test may have changed, The ACT score reporting service will include a letter providing that information to the institutions in which youre interested.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The importance of supply chain management Essay

The importance of supply chain management - Essay Example Supply chain management has become an important topic of concern for many companies, who rely on getting a huge market for their highly competitive products. Supply chain management helps in the proper management of resources and a far more efficient way of distribution. Supply chain management is a fast and emerging concept in the distribution of goods in supermarkets. Huge international corporations such as Dell, Kodak, Gillette, Unilever and Wal-Mart have all introduced SCM. Therefore, I, as an SCM consultant have been asked to analyze the supply chain management of the fashion department of the Co-Op supermarket, and address and provide a few solutions to the concerns of the board of directors, which are quite valid. Fashion has an allure for many women in the United States. Therefore, the fashion department of the supermarket has done quite well. However, with the recent awareness of the problems of environment, many women have become largely concerned about the origination of these fashion products. Hence, supermarkets are faced with a dilemma. They have to remain competitive, offer low prices to customers and respond to certain other needs of customers, quite unrelated to the specification of the product, itself. The Supply Chain Management is an issue of such vital importance because the globalized world that we live in, has spurred off many benefits, as well as many problems. Market segmentation has occurred, where many consumers may become concerned with the environment. Co-op supermarket has an ethical policy, which takes many preferences of the consumers. Customer responsiveness is quite significant; therefore, consumer feedback has to be integrated into daily operations (Wisner, Tan & Le ong 2008, p. 26). The board of directors has become increasingly concerned over the channel of distribution of the fashion products, since they are manufactured in China, and are shipped across the globe to the United States. The concern is quite logical and merits consideration. According to Wisner, Tan and Leong, in their book â€Å"Principles of Supply Chain Management†, the greening of supply chains is important, because they suit the particular needs of the customers, especially in the case of Co-Op supermarket. Code of ethics is an important component of the workings of the Co-Op supermarket, the company prides in it. Therefore, ethical policy needs revision if the customer preferences have to be catered. The book mentions that the entire chain of distribution from storing, packaging, repackaging, transit and delivery have a significant threat to the environment. The threat to the environment comes in the form of air pollution, congestion, global warming and other forms of industrial pollution. In the case of shipment, whether by air or by sea, pollution is created, which inevitably leads to Global Warming. The fashion products can also be not manufactured in the United States, since the production can become highly expensive, because of expensive labor. However, products in China are manufactured quite cheaply. Therefore, even at the cost of ethical policy, the supermarket cannot forgo its competitiveness in the market. Moreover, the supermarket cannot only stock products from the native country, because this denies consumer the choice and variety of different products. Therefore, the supermarket is faced with a dilemma. If it is to maintain a market of the fashion products, it needs to address the concerns of many consumers who like to preserve the integrity of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Operations Management - Essay Example For a manufacturing company like PPQ Parts Manufacturing Company software enabled supply chain management is the most needed for sustainability in the industry. Materials Requirement Planning For managing the inventory which is needed for the producing the end product materials requirement planning is needed, which is mainly software based in the companies in these days. It is required to maintain the right level of inventory; company should make sure that there is no shortage of raw materials or no excessive materials (Chase et al, 2006, p.675-676). A manufacturing company should be more focused in this area to increase efficiency of business. Capacity Requirement Planning Capacity requirements planning is the process of evaluating that the company can meet the current need and projected need of production with the installed capacity or not. If there is need for additional capacity then the concerned authority takes the remedies (Heim and Compton, p.209). For a manufacturing company like PPQ Parts periodical analysis is necessary and this would be more effective if software tool is used for assistance. Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning is a system which integrates the departments of an organization to make the management system more effective. For a manufacturing company it is needed to improve the efficiency of the work process which includes management of production, sales management and the financial affairs of the company (Leon, 2007, p.14). Pros and cons of the Software Systems To effectively manage the process of the organization the management of the company should take help of a software system instead of doing it manually. The management should take care that the software product is best for their organization which depends on many factors like the size of the organization, the cost of the software product, the user-friendliness of the product and the compatibility of the product with the current systems. PPQ parts manufacturin g company wants a software package to make efficient their overall process. To suggest efficient software package the factors which are necessary for an analyst are the size of the firm, the employees working in the company, how many users would use the software directly, which information are not given. The six software systems selected by the analyst and their pros and cons are as follows: Software Cost Compatibility with Current Systems Functionality User-Friendliness Other Factors Remarks Intuitive (Consona) Average. The system used is Microsoft .Net and database is SQL server 2003 Administration and installation much easier (as .Net used). Simple process in the ERP package. Easy to use. Efficient Business Intelligence. 10% MS Access used. Internet compatibility outside the server environment requires MS terminal Server and Advanced Configurator Efficient but cost may be higher for some companies SAP Business One (SAP) Per User Licensing Model ($20000 for 5 users). Depend upon c ustomization Compatible with basic systems Provide accurate information, help to take

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Market Structure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Market Structure - Research Paper Example PERFECT COMPETITION: Firms operating under perfect competition essentially rest upon four primary assumptions, the first of which is that since there are several firms operating under this model the significance of their output from a perspective of the entire industry supply is unimportant which means that such firms do not have the capability to influence the price of the product, therefore, at the market price perfect competition firms are said to experience perfectly elastic demand. Henceforth, this phenomenon postulates that perfect competition firms are price takers (Mankiw, 2011). The second assumption of the model of perfect competition relates to the freedom of entry into the industry or whether there is existence of any barriers to entry or exit. In this scenario, new firms do not face any lack of restrictions if they wish to enter the industry, however, the concept of freedom of entry is said to be applicable in the long-run owing to the period it takes to establish an org anization (Sloman, 2006). A fundamental assumption of the model relates to product homogeneity within the industry, this concept is based upon the idea that all businesses supply products that are identical (Sloman, 2006). Lastly, it is supposed that buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge regarding the market such as price, quality and costs. The profit maximizing output of the firm occurs at the intersection of Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue where, MC = MR (Sloman, 2006). Therefore, when P = MC firms in perfect competition are economically efficient, where allocative efficiency occurs when consumer as well as producer surplus is at its maximum and productive efficiency occurs because the firm’s equilibrium output in the long-run is established where the businesses’ average cost is the least. The quantity of firms in the short run varies as firms leave or come into the industry, if it is understood that the costs of the firms experience no change the exit of som e firms will lead to generation of abnormal profit or supernormal profit where AR>AC. In the long-run however, the attraction of abnormal profits will cause firms to enter the industry because of no barriers to entry or exit thereby, bringing the state of the market back to equilibrium at a point on the LRAC curve which is the least, causing firms to make normal or zero economic profit such that the long-run equilibrium occurs where P = AR = LRAC = LRMC = MR (Stanlake & Grant, 2000). Due to obvious factors relating to the model of perfect competition it can be concluded that most firms are not audacious in terms of taking risks. The instability of demand therefore, causes perfectly competitive firms to diversify which leads to intra-industry trade and if the condition of elastic demand is fulfilled such exchange of identical commodities on an international scale proves to be beneficial for both the countries and firms involved (Cukrowski & Aksen, 2003). Hypothetically, the economic efficiency of perfectly competitive firms would indicate that government regulation is not required in such a model but in the short-run government intervention might be needed to control prices if firms are generating supernormal profits, however, the primary premise remains that in a perfectly competi

Friday, November 15, 2019

Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Rickets

Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Rickets Discuss three diseases/disorders of the skeleton; including in the discussion causes, symptoms and treatment. The three diseases you need to discuss are Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Rickets. Patient 1 A sixty five year old women presents with a fractured rib after minor accident. History includes the patient is inactive with a poor diet. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a condition in which causes the bones to become weak, allowing them prone to breaking. This condition can develop over the years, however it is only treated when a minor fall or sudden impact on the bone to cause the bone to become fractured. Causes Osteoporosis occurs as bones become less dense and more fragile. Bone density, strength and thickness is on the increase until the ages of late 20s as youre your bone density will then begin to gradually decrease in your 30s. Women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men as the changes in hormone that appears in menopause directly affect the density of the bones. Oestrogen is an essential hormone for healthy bones and after menopause takes set, oestrogen levels fall. Due to the fast decrease of oestrogen, it can cause a rapid decrease in bone density. Women have a greater chance of developing osteoporosis if they are experiencing menopause before the age of forty five years old, or have undergone a hysterectomy before age of 45 and have had their ovaries removed, or have over exercised or dieted too much causing them to have absent periods. Osteoporosis also affect men, however the causes is not known. Due to men having the testosterone hormone, the numbers suffering from osteoporosis compared to women suffers are a lot less, as testosterone helps keep the bones healthy. As the level of testosterone decreases with age, the more likely it is for men to develop osteoporosis. The causes of low testosterone level is not evidently known, however the causes that are known includes the use of medications such as oral corticosteroid, alcohol abuse/misuse and hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is a condition which causes the testosterone level to be abnormally low The risk factors which are hormone related that can contribute to the onset of osteoporosis includes, a person to have overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), a disorders of the adrenal glands, lower levels of sex hormone or over active parathyroid (hyperparathyroidism) Other risk factors that contributes are family history, a BMI of 19 or less, long term high doses of oral corticosteroid, eating disorder or rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms The are no signs in the early stages of bone loss or weakening of bones. When osteoporosis have weaken your bones you may experience back pain caused by a fracture or collapsed vertebra, gradually loss of height, a bone fracture, or a stooped posture. Treatment The diagnosis of osteoporosis is determined by the results of the carriers bone mineral density scan. If treatment is required, it is based on the persons age, sex, risk of fracture and also the previous injury history. It is important to maintain a sufficient level of calcium and vitamin D if no treatment is wanted or needed. Patient 2 A three year old child with a fracture to the femur. Other symptoms indicate deformed legs (bowed) and shorter than average for age. History confirms the child was breastfed with no supplements. Rickets Rickets causes the bones in children to become soft and weak, leading to bone deformities. Causes The under laying   causes of rickets stems from lack of vitamin D or calcium, however rickets can also be caused through genetic defects or another health condition. Vitamin D and calcium are both vital sources in a child development in strong and healthy bones. Sources of Vitamin D is sunlight, as the skin produces vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.Food, as vitamin D can be found in oily fish, eggs and certain breakfast cereals and also dietary supplements Calcium can be found in dairy products such as eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt and also green vegetables. Children that are at risk are those of Asian, Caribbean, African and middle eastern origins, as their skin is darker and requires more sunlight to receive sufficient vitamin D. Also babies born prematurely are at risk of developing rickets as they have build up stores of vitamin D in the womb. Babies from birth to 1 year, exclusively or partially breastfed, should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10mcg of vitamin D to ensure the get enough, as babies that are breastfed past the age of 6 months may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms A child may experience pain and soreness affecting the bone. They may also experience skeletal deformities which could cause thickening of the ankles, wrist, knees and cause a bowed leg. The child may also experience delayed growth and development as they could be shorter than the average child their age. A problem with dental may arise as the tooth enamel is weakened causing delays in teeth growth and risk of tooth decays. Their bones will be more prone to fractures as the have come to be fragile. Treatment As the rickets are caused by low level of vitamin D and calcium, it is treated by increasing the childs intake of vitamin D and calcium. This can be increased by eating more food rich in these sources or taking daily supplements of calcium and vitamin D. Patient 3 A fifty year old man presents with trouble walking due to a painful knee joint. Other symptoms include swelling, redness and warmth to the knee. Patient also has a history of painful joints and has a body mass index of 32. Arthritis Arthritis is a condition which causes the joint to become painful and inflamed. Inbetween joints, there is a flexible connective tissue called cartilage. Cartilage protects the joint by absorbing the pressure and shock created when you move and release stress on them. When the cartilage tissue this can cause some forms of arthritis. There are 2 most common forms of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Causes Osteoarthritis, is caused by normal wear and tear. A injury or infection to the joints can cause the natural breakdown of the cartilage tissue. If you have a family history of Osteoarthritis, there maybe a higher chance of having osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an autoimmune disorder. This happens when the bodys immune system attacks the tissues of the body. The synovium is attacked by the immune system. The synovium is the soft tissue in your joints that produces a fluid that nourishes that cartilage and lubricates the joints. Rheumatoid can potentially destroy the bone and the joint. Symptoms of osteoarthritis The symptoms of osteoarthritis may lead a person to experience joint pains, as well as stiffness, swelling, reduced motion and redness of skin around the joint. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are tiredness, loss of appetite, slight fever. Sufferers may potentially become anemic. A person with severe rheumatoid arthritis may experience joint deformities if it is left untreated. Treatment There is no cure for arthritis, however there are treatments that can slow down the condition. Osteoarthritis, prescribed medication Painkillers Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs Corticosteroids For severe cases, surgical procedures maybe recommended: Joint replacement Joint fuse Where bone is cut and re-alignment Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis includes: Painkillers (analgesics) Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) Physiotherapy Regular exercise References Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Search results. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Search results. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017]. Mayo Clinic. (2017). Overview Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017].

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

It 460 – Unit 2 Project

Running head: UNIT 2 PROJECT Session 1 Part 4 IT Consultant Firms 1. Gatesix Inc. Gatesix Inc. is based in Phoenix, Arizona. They handle everything from web development, productivity solutions, and marketing applications. They are considered am all inclusive company that handles all your IT needs. They consider themselves no nonsense and will work within a budget. They have a broad range of services which include but are not limited to: †¢ Web Development – Custom development of web-based software, content management, custom applications, e-commerce. Interactive Marketing – SEO strategy analysis, search engine marketing, paid search marketing, and ongoing SEO support.†¢ Software Development – Business applications, business process automation, web-based applications, client extranets, employee intranet, and E-commerce applications. †¢ Interactive Design – Website design, flash and multimedia design, and graphic design. Network Support â€⠀œ network analysis and design, office cabling and networking, remote monitoring and support, desktop support, server setup and management both Microsoft and Linux platforms, VPN setup both Microsoft and Cisco, managed support, onsite and offsite backups, after-hours help with moves, server migrations and upgrades. †¢ Staff Supplementation – System architects, project managers and technical leads, internet marketing consultants, graphic and web designers, software engineers, and both onsite and offsite resources. 2. IBM Services The next company I found is IBM.Obviously they are a well known company who has offices and service throughout the world. They are definitely competition whom can offer all IT services and are well recognized. IBM can offer everything from communication services to training. †¢ Business continuity and resilience – Disaster recovery service, information protection, managed resilience, and resilience consulting. †¢ End user service s – Client virtualization (workplace optimization consulting), device deployment and management (platform integration and development, software platform management), and help desk ervices. †¢ Integrated communication – designing, implementing and managing communications and networking environments to optimize. Integrated business communications.†¢ IT strategy and architecture – Analyze and develop a plan to provide a business-driven infrastructure, identify cost reduction opportunities and improve quality. †¢ Maintenance and technical support – Hardware and application maintenance (24/7). †¢ Middleware – Service-oriented architecture (SOA) integration, IT lifecycle management, information on demand infrastructure, and infrastructure optimization. Security and privacy – Threat mitigation solutions, data security, and integrated security program. †¢ Server services – Server optimizer, integration, management, an d server products. †¢ Site and facility support – data and facility strategy, IT assessment, design, and construction. They also help with IT consolidation and relocation. †¢ Storage and data – Storage optimization and integration, lifecycle management, data mobility, storage and data products, and storage and data management. †¢ Training – They offer a wide variety of training from software to administration and applications. 3.MIT Consulting MIT Consulting is located in Toronto, Ontario. They have long standing relations with many manufacturers which helps they provide up to date consulting and services. MIT Consulting is a well rounded company that can offer consultant services for all aspects of business and IT needs. They have a wide range of backgrounds that make up their team. †¢ Business consulting – Consulting for planning, training, financing, market research, and promotion/advertising. †¢ Hardware and Software (sales an d service) – They offer a variety of hardware and software products from Microsoft to Lenovo.They also provide service for all the products they provide. †¢ IT relocation – they help with all relocation of a company IT resources. †¢ Technical support – For all aspect of IT emergency problems. They can restore the entire system or individual aspects or elements. †¢ Web development – Design and development of new website or single features. †¢ Web Hosting – Web hosting services. †¢ Disaster Recovery – Hardware planning, backup solutions, data recovery, and off-site storage. †¢ DVR Systems – Premises monitoring via internet recording using digital video recorders. Wifi – Building and deployment of company wireless network. Session 2 Part 3 Project Scope Statement Training Information Management System (TIMS), the project scope is to allow users to track instructors, students, courses and grades. TIMS must be completed in six months and must allow the functions listed above. TIMS must also link with the accounting system for accurate pricing for courses and accounting financial interaction. TIMS should be able to track credits earned toward IT industry certification requirements. The new system may also allow students to register for courses online.Session 2 Part 4 Interview and Questions The following is the list of employees at SCR who I wish to interview and the accompanying questions for each employee or group of employees. SCR training group: Jill Martin Questions: 1. What is the cost benefit of this training group program? 2. How long do the courses take? Is there a standard or are all the courses different? 3. Will these courses be non-stop and on-going? Or will it just stop after a year or so? 4. What is your vision for these courses? 5. How much improvement from the employees are you looking for? 6.How much will each of the courses cost? 7. Is it free for employees who w ant to update themselves in information technology? 8. How do you know it will work at the end of the course? 9. Will there be pretesting for the participants who are taking the courses? 10. What will be the system requirement for this training program? Executive Committee: Gary Smith and Nan Wheeler (Executive Assistant) Questions: 1. How would you like the TIMS program to benefit SCR Associates? 2. Is there anything specific that you would like to see implemented? 3. What is the proposed budget for this program/project? . What are you trying to achieve with this new training program? 5. Do you feel the students will have the necessary skills to be successful in the Information Technology sector after completing these courses?6. Do you feel this training program will be profitable for SCR? Systems Group: Jesse Baker (Manager) and Robert Newman, Marge Clark (Programmers) Questions: 1. Have you ever worked with any system similar to TIMS? 2. Are there any obstacles or restrictions th at you foresee in this project? Network/Web Group: Tamisha Spencer (Manager) Questions: . How would you like to see the system designed in terms of being accessible to everyone, i. e. through the intranet or internet? Administrative Support Group: Janet Gannon (Human Resources Specialist) Questions: 1. Can you go through the process of staff training from start to finish with me? 2. Currently what are the problems associated with staff training? 3. From a HR perspective how do you see this benefiting staff training? Business Solutions Group: Lynn Chou (Manager) Stephanie Greene (Business Analysts) Meg Harris (Corporate Trainers) Questions: . How can this be designed to be used in your department?References Gatesix (2008) Gatesix Inc. Retrieved February 8, 2009 from http://www. gatesix. com/. IBM (n. d. ). IBM Services. Retrieved February 7, 2009 from http://www. ibm. com/technologyservices/us/en/. MIT Consulting (2009). MIT Consulting Services. Retrieved February 8, 2009 from http:/ /www. mitconsulting. ca/index. php? ref=services. SCR Associates (n. d). SCR work sessions and intranet. Retrieved February 6, 2009 from http://oc. course. com/sc/sad7e/scr/intranet/index. cfm.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Imam Ali in my word Essay

Imam Ali’s (p.b.o.h.) stories are so fascinating to read and to hear about. Knowing about Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.) life style and stories is so wonderful. Especially how Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.) saved Islam and won battles for example when Imam Ali (p.b.o.h) slept in prophet Mohammed’s (p.b.o.h.) bed so that prophet Mohammed could take his last journey, Imam Ali slept in the prophets bed because the people that wanted to prevent and kill the prophet so to save Islam Imam Ali took .Also to understand how Islam was saved for and passed to us to be Muslims now. All the stories I enjoyed. But the one that I liked most is well is not actually a story but what will happen in the future to Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.). When Imam Mahdi (p.b.o.h.) comes back before Qiyamat and the Imam Ali (p.b.o.h.) comes and slowly the rest of the Imams (p.b.o.h.) come back, I found that so lovely knowing that one day the Imams will come back, and if I live I may see then return to the world and take over. I liked Imam Ali’s personality how Imam Ali cared for his family dearly by helping out at home and the way Imam played with his two sons: Hasan and Hussain. The way Imam Ali was fair and considerate to other people as in another story about The pomegranate how Fatima (p.b.o.h.) wanted a pomegranate and Imam Ali went to get one but when he got to the shop there was only one left that he could have, but along the way Imam Ali met a old man and gave half to the old man because he was thinking if Fatima but the man asked for the other half so kindly Imam gave, when he got home he was a bit shy to face Fatima as Fatima never asked for any thing but when he found out that send from heaven, Fatima was eating pomegranates.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Learn About the Associative Property in Math

Learn About the Associative Property in Math According to the associative property, the addition or multiplication of a set of numbers is the same regardless of how the numbers are grouped. The associative property will involve 3 or more numbers. The parenthesis indicates the terms that are considered one unit. The groupings (Associative Property) are within the parenthesis. Hence, the numbers are associated together. In multiplication, the product is always the same regardless of their grouping. The Associative Property is pretty basic to computational strategies. Remember, the groupings in the brackets are always done first, this is part of the order of operations. Addition Example of the Associative Property When we change the groupings of addends, the sum does not change:(2 5) 4 11 or 2 (5 4) 11(9 3) 4 16 or 9 (3 4) 16Just remember that when the grouping of addends changes, the sum remains the same. Multiplication Example of the Associative Property When we change the groupings of factors, the product does not change:(3 x 2) x 4 24 or 3 x (2 x 4) 24.Just remember that when the grouping of factors changes, the product remains the same. Think Grouping! Changing the grouping of addends does not change the sum, changing the groupings of factors, does not change the product. Simply put, regardless of whether you show 3 x 4 or 4 x 3, the final result is the same. In addition, 4 3 or 3 4, you know that the outcome is the same, the answer remains the same. However, this is NOT the case in subtraction or division so when you think of the associative property, remember that the final result or answer remains the same or its not the associative property. The understanding of the concept of associative property is much more important that the actual term associative property. Titles often confuse students and youll discover that youll ask what the associative property is, only to be returned with a blank look. However, if you say to a child something like If I change the numbers in my addition sentence, does it matter? In other words, can I say 5 3 and 3 5, will the child that understands say yes because its the same? When you ask if you can do this with subtraction, theyll laugh or tell you that you cant do that. So in essence, a child knows about the associative property which is really all that matters even though you may stump them when you ask for a definition of the associative property. Do I care that the definition escapes them? Not at all, if they indeed know the concept. Lets not trip our students up with labels and definitions when concept understanding is the key ingredient in math.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Cold War (1945-1989) essay

The Cold War (1945-1989) essay The Cold War (1945-1989) essay The Cold War (1945-1989) essayThe Cold War is considered to be a significant event in Modern World History. The Cold War dominated a rather long time period: between 1945, or the end of the World War II, and 1990, the collapse of the USSR. This period involved the relationships between two superpowers: the United States and the USSR. The Cold War began in Eastern Europe and Germany, according to the researchers of the Institute of Contemporary British History (Warner 15).   Researchers state that â€Å"the USSR and the United States of America held the trump cards, nuclear bombs and missiles† (Daniel 489). In other words, during the Cold War, two nations took the fate of the world under their control. The progression of the Cold War influenced the development of society, which became aware of the threat of nuclear war. After the World War II, the world experienced technological progress, which provided â€Å"the Space Race, computer development, superhighway construction, j et airliner development, the creation of international phone system, the advent of television, enormous progress in medicine, and the creation of mass consumerism, and many other achievements† (Daniel 489). Although the larger part of the world lived in poverty and lacked technological progress, the United States and other countries of Western world succeeded in economic development. The Cold War, which began in 1945, reflected the increased role of technological progress in the establishment of economic relationships between two superpowers.   Ã‚  The Cold War involved internal and external conflicts between two superpowers, the United States and the USSR, leading to eventual breakdown of the USSR.The Cold War: background informationThe Cold War consisted of several confrontations between the United States and the USSR, supported by their allies. According to researchers, the Cold War was marked by a number of events, including â€Å"the escalating arms race, a competition to conquer space, a dangerously belligerent for of diplomacy known as brinkmanship, and a series of small wars, sometimes called â€Å"police actions† by the United States and sometimes excused as defense measures by the Soviets† (Gottfried 9). The Cold War had different influences on the United States and the USSR. For the USSR, the Cold War provided massive opportunities for the spread of communism across the world, Moscow’s control over the development of other nations and the increased role of the Soviet Communist party.In fact, the Cold War could split the wartime alliance formed to oppose the plans of Nazi Germany, leaving the USSR and the United States as two superpowers with considerable economic and political differences. The USSR was based on a single-party Marxist–Leninist system, while the United States was a capitalist state with democratic governance based on free elections.The key figure in the Cold War was the Soviet leader Gorbachev, who was elected in 1985. He managed to change the direction of the USSR, making the economies of communist ruled states independent. The major reasons for changing in the course were poor technological development of the USSR (Gottfried 115). Gorbachev believed that radical changes in political power could improve the Communist system. At the same time, he wanted to stop the Cold War and tensions with the United States. The cost of nuclear arms race had negative impact on the economy of the USSR. The leaders of the United States accepted the proposed relationships, based on cooperation and mutual trust. The end of the Cold War was marked by signing the INF treaty in 1987 (Gottfried 115).The origins of the Cold WarMany American historians state that the Cold War began in 1945. However, according to Russian researchers, historians and analysts â€Å"the Cold War began with the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, for this was when the capitalist world began its systematic opposition to and effo rt to undermine the world’s first socialist state and society† (Warner13). For Russians, the Cold War was hot in 1918-1922, when the Allied Intervention policy implemented in Russia during the Russian Civil War. According to John W. Long, â€Å"the U.S. intervention in North Russia was a policy formulated by President Wilson during the first half of 1918 at the urgent insistence of Britain, France and Italy, the chief World War I allies† (380).Nevertheless, there are some other opinions regarding the origins of the Cold War. For example, Geoffrey Barraclough, an outstanding English historian, states that the events in the Far East at the end of the century contributed to the origins of the Cold War. He argues that â€Å"during the previous hundred years, Russia and the United States has tended to support each other against England; but now, as England’s power passed its zenith, they came face to face across the Pacific† (Warner 13). According to Bar raclough, the Cold War is associated with the conflict of interests, which involved European countries, the Middle East and South East Asia. Finally, this conflict divided the world into two camps. Thus, the Cold War origins are connected with the spread of ideological conflict caused by the emergence of the new power in the early 20-th century (Warner 14). The Cold War outbreak was associated with the spread of propaganda on the United States by the USSR. The propagandistic attacks involved the criticism of the U.S. leaders and their policies. These attacked were harmful to the interests of American nation (Whitton 151).The major causes of the Cold WarThe United States and the USSR were regarded as two superpowers during the Cold War, each having its own sphere of influence, its power and forces. The Cold War had been the continuing conflict, caused by tensions, misunderstandings and competitions that existed between the United States and the USSR, as well as their allies from 1945 to the early 1990s (Gottfried 10). Throughout this long period, there was the so-called rivalry between the United States and the USSR, which was expressed through various transformations, including military buildup, the spread of propaganda, the growth of espionage, weapons development, considerable industrial advances, and competitive technological developments in different spheres of human activity, such as medicine, education, space exploration, etc.There four major causes of the Cold War, which include:Ideological differences (communism v. capitalism);Mutual distrust and misperception;The fear of the United State regarding the spread of communism;The nuclear arms race (Gottfried 10).The major causes of the Cold War point out to the fact that the USSR was focused on the spread of communist ideas worldwide. The United States followed democratic ideas and opposed the spread of communism. At the same time, the acquisition of atomic weapons by the United States caused fear in the U SSR. The use of atomic weapons could become the major reason of fear of both the United States and the USSR. In other words, both countries were anxious about possible attacks from each other; therefore, they were following the production of mass destruction weapons. In addition, the USSR was focused on taking control over Eastern Europe and Central Asia. According to researchers, the USSR used various strategies to gain control over Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the years 1945-1980. Some of these strategies included â€Å"encouraging the communist takeover of governments in Eastern Europe, the setting up of Comecon, the Warsaw Pact, the presence of the Red Army in Eastern Europe, and the Brezhnev Doctrine† (Phillips 118). These actions were the major factors for the suspicions and concerns of the United States. In addition, the U.S. President had a personal dislike of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his policies. In general, the United States was concerned by the So viet Union’s actions regarding the occupied territory of Germany, while the USSR feared that the United States would use Western Europe as the major tool for attack.The consequences of the Cold WarThe consequences of the Cold War include both positive and negative effects for both the United States and the USSR.Both the United States and the USSR managed to build up huge arsenals of atomic weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles.The Cold War provided opportunities for the establishment of the military blocs, NATO and the Warsaw Pact.The Cold War led to the emergence of the destructive military conflicts, like the Vietnam War and the Korean War, which took the lives of millions of people (Gottfried13).The USSR collapsed because of considerable economic, political and social challenges.The Cold War led to the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the two German nations.The Cold War led to the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact (Gottfried 136).The Cold war provided the opportunities for achieving independence of the Baltic States and some former Soviet Republics.The Cold War made the United States the sole superpower of the world because of the collapse of the USSR in 1990.The Cold War led to the collapse of Communism and the rise of globalization worldwide (Phillips 119).The impact of the Cold War on the development of many countries was enormous. The consequences of the Cold War were derived from numerous internal problems of the countries, which were connected with the USSR, especially developing countries (India, Africa, etc.). This fact means that foreign policies of many states were transformed (Gottfried 115).The Cold War (1945-1989) essay  part 2

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Capital Punishment - Essay Example Whatever the reasons they put forward for their proposal, on very few instances will you have individual to be hanged thought of as a human being like any other. Many people actually think of him as an object (Moore 3). Very few people think of the individual as having a conscious. It is this aspect of the individual to be hanged that George Orwell brings to our attention, in his story, â€Å"A hanging†. The story details the last moments of a small Indian man just about to be taken to the gallows. His hands bound tightly to his body and guarded by strong warders who guide him gently to his death there are three interruptions of episodes that take place, which pique the interest of the writer as to the conscious nature of the prisoner. At the beginning, a dog rushes to him and jumps to lick his face. The individual also side steps a puddle on his path as he is led to the gallows while the third instance happens as he has the hangman’s noose around his neck. He calls out to his god with the words â€Å"ram, ram, ram†. However as all these things go on, the wardens and the other prisoners go on their business as if there is nothing absurd about it. In fact, later on they seem to be celebrating the life just terminated. The fact that they do not seem to think that the same fate will befall them is ironical more so after they are seen to be laughing and in a jovial mood a short moment after the Hindu has been hanged. George Orwell connects the reader with the man just about to be hung and strikes the mind of the reader to think more of him (Orwell 2). He makes us realize that the man is not just another object but rather a living human being whose body processes are taking place like in any other person. It is a call to rethink the capital sentence. II) Body Interruptions before the hanging: 1) The dog This comes as the first interruption to the hanging of the Indian man. It is as they lead the man to the gallows that a dog appeared in the pris on’s yard. It hounded around the procession or the group and in the words of the writer â€Å"wild with glee at finding so man human being together†. Everyone is surprised when it suddenly dashed to the small Indian prisoner and â€Å"jumping up tried to lick his face†. The inclusion of the dog in the story is of great significance to the theme of the whole story. It goes on to prance at the prisoner just about to be hung and wanting to lick his face. The fact that it does not discriminate the prisoner from the wardens goes on to affirm the thought that the Indian man is like any other living being. 2) The puddle The second episode even sinks the perception of hanging as evil even more. It involves a puddle that lay on the path to the gallows. The man would have been expected to not to care about the puddle and just walk through it instead since he was just about to be hung anyway. However, what happens proves one incredible truth. Orwell states that â€Å"in s pite of the men who gripped him by each shoulder, he stepped slightly aside to avoid a puddle on the path†. This episode opens the eyes of the writer as to the meaning of destroying a conscious and healthy man. It goes on to show the inappropriate nature and the mystery surrounding the termination of the life just when it was â€Å"in full tide†. The fact that the man was conscious jerked the mind of the writer (and consequently the reader) as to the fact that he was alive the same way that they were alive.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Estimating and purchasing cost control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Estimating and purchasing cost control - Essay Example In this approach, the design package is reviewed and fully comprehended followed by the performance of a quantity survey of the scope of the project in question. In case little or no design and plan information is available, the Order-of-Magnitude Estimates approach is highly recommended. However, it is imperative that the contractor ensures he/she has all the requisite information to ensure accurate estimation of the cost of a construction project. This paper explores the type of information useful in the estimation of the cost of redeveloping a storey building near a river and the implications of the absence of competition in the cost estimation and the bidding processes for the contract. Information for Construction Project Cost Estimation There are several factors on which the successful completion, accessibility and utilization of a construction project hinges. These factors include the level or quality of engineering work that goes into a project and the survival of the contrac ting business that accompanies a project. Also, the market competition and the ability of a company and its contract management are equally important to the success of construction projects (Garold & Trost, 2001). More affected by the above factors are construction projects and redevelopment projects along water bodies such as rivers and lakes. It is thus of the essence that construction contractors and managers look into these various factors so that they strategically compete and win tenders by accurately estimating and mitigating project risks and costs. Importantly, such a strategic planning and estimation of project risks and costs would be quite integral to the quality of construction projects, more so with regard to project monitoring and control for the realization of project goals. In this strategic cost estimation and risk analysis, contract manager should consider the current national and international contract and construction laws, regulations, design documents, technic al standards and engineering safety requirements (Garold & Trost, 2001). The Case Study It is quite apparent that construction firms and contract managers involved in construction projects along, next or adjacent to rivers are exposed to a rather wide range of construction risks especially form their work environment. Besides the primary risk of flooding, other construction risks in construction projects near water bodies include site drainage, plant operations, bad ground condition, site accessibility and tidal impact. However, it should be acknowledged that even these construction projects will definitely have far reaching influences on these water bodies. Examples of the effects of construction projects on rivers that construction projects and managers should be conversant with are reduced water levels, change in local water body regime, navigational effects, environmental pollution and scour on siltation. From these risks and effects, it is quite clear that projects and contract managers should arm themselves with the right skills and competencies to help them identify, estimate and manage risks and the associated costs. One way of